Example consent forms:

Example consent form for survey/Questionaire ( form uk data archive) ukdasurveyconsent

Oral Consent form for household surveys forming part of a large multidiciplinary project in Madagascar p4gesoralconsentformHH

Oral consent form for community members taking part in a large multidisciplinary project in Madagascar p4gesoralconsentformFDG

written consent form, agroforestry project in Uganda Informed consent sheet for participants

Example information sheets

Information leaflet explaining project goals and introducing researchers Leaflet Catherine and Larissa

As above translated into the local language Leaflet Catherine and Larissa MG

Project information sheet in local languageLocal information sheet with pictures 2 3 4 5updated

Information sheet for project involving coffee farmers Brochure for farmers 2007

Information sheet for farmers involved in an agroforestry project  info for farmers

participant information sheet, land restoration project Ethiopia Participant info sheet