Fieldwork Reporting

The College has a Fieldwork Code of Practice which must be adhered to. Generic risk assessments which can be customised to make them trip specific can be found on the risk assessment pages. As part of the risk assessment process Field Trip Leaders must always consider emergency arrangements, ensuring suitable First Aid arrangements are in place as required.

For overseas fieldwork you must complete the University's on-line travel insurance form. A more detailed risk assessment will also be required. If you wish to travel areas where the Foreign and Commonwealth Office advises against all or all but essential travel, specific written permission will be required from the Head of College.

All diving risk assessments must be forwarded to the Diving Safety Adviser, Dr John Turner.

Fieldwork Reporting Procedure

The Fieldwork Reporting Page must be completed for any fieldwork that departs from and returns to the University that does not involve an over night stay.

Once you have completed the relevant information and press 'Submit', you will get a Job Number and a Code (which you can copy and paste). If you do not get this reply, check you have filled in all the mandatory boxes. You will also receive an e-mail reminder and a text to your mobile.

When you have finished your fieldwork, you can cancel the fieldwork report either by replying to the text you received with your Code or by going to the Arriveback Page and entering the Job Number and Code. Failure to cancel your fieldwork report by your logged return time will result in the School and University Security being notified and could also result in the Emergency Services being alerted. You should be aware that the Emergency Services may charge for their services if they attend due to a false alarm which has been caused by a failure to report back on time.

Always consider mobile phone black spots and identify the nearest place where you last had a signal in case of emergencies.

Lone Workers / Groups Visiting Remote Locations

In the case of extended trips by lone workers, or groups visiting remote locations, a series of reporting times should be agreed between the Trip Leader and the person back at base eg School Office for reporting purposes. This will be in addition to completing the Fieldwork Reporting Page.

Useful Sources of Information